Which of the following are NOT associated with an increased risk of developing proliferative diabetic retinopathy?

  1. Intraretinal hemorrhages in 4 quadrants.
  2. Nerve fiber layer infarcts in 2 or more quadrants.
  3. Venous beading.
  4. Intraretinal microvascular abnormalities.

Correct Answer: Nerve fiber layer infarcts in 2 or more quadrants.

The ETDRS (Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study) established certain findings that can help predict the chances of developing proliferative retinopathy. Of these, intraretinal hemorrhages (or microaneurysms) in 4 quadrants, venous beading in 2 quadrants, and IRMA in one quadrant, are all characteristics. A patient with one of these findings is classified as having severe NPDR and they have a 15% risk of developing PDR over the following year. If two or more are present, they are classified as very severe (45% risk of PDR over the next year). Nerve fiber layer infarcts (and capillary nonperfusion) are both poor prognostic signs, but do not connote a defined risk of developing PDR.

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