Deoxycholic Acid for the Treatment of Submental Fat

Deoxycholic Acid for the Treatment of Submental Fat

Non-surgical options for decreasing “turkey necks” are few and far between.  Options include energy-based devices, such as radio-frequency, ultrasound and infrared light, all of which can have variable results and/or create very subtle changes in the appearance of the neck.

A little over one year ago, Allergan launched Kybella, which is a non-human, non-animal formulation of deoxycholic acid that is a naturally occurring molecule in the body. Kybella is given as an injection that causes lysis of adipocytes and destruction of fat cells. Once destroyed, the adipocytes can not store or accumulate fat. Kybella has a preference for adipocytes, so surrounding tissues are largely unaffected.

Kybella is FDA approved and is indicated for improvement in the appearance of moderate to severe convexity or fullness associated with submental fat in adults.  The injection is given subcutaneously in the preplatysmal fat.  Each injection is 0.2 mL up to a total of 10 mL and are spaced about 1 cm apart. 

The visit begins with an evaluation and palpation of the submental fat region.  A marking pen or pencil is used to mark the jawline and a line about 1cm below.  The thyroid notch is palpated and marked as well as the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.  The area between these markings indicates the area of treatment.  The Kybella kits come with a temporary tattoo of dot markings that are evenly spaced.  The markings are applied to the area and extra dots are erased with an alcohol pad.  The remaining markings are tallied and the appropriate number of injections are drawn up.  Injections are given rapidly then ice is applied. 

Patients feel a burn for about three to four minutes.  After the treatment, swelling will occur.  Repeat treatments can be given anywhere from four to eight weeks apart.  Results are very promising and Kybella is one of the few non-surgical alternatives for patients who seek improvement in this submental fat area.

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