Ophthalmic Ultrasound Biomicroscope (UBM of the Eye)

Microscopy is almost universally defined as an optical science; however, the human eye is by nature light-sensitive, and cataracts or other opaque structures can obstruct the deeper layers of the eye from optical analysis. Ultrasound biomicroscopes permit complete imaging of deep ocular structures by reflecting high energy sonic waves off of the inside of the eye. An ultrasonic biomicroscope is perfect for glaucoma screening, determining lens and cornea pathologies, or sizing phakic intraocular lenses. Ultrasonic biomicroscopes typically operate with frequencies up to 50MHz, with detection depths of 8mm or more. Your ultrasound biomicroscope will likely come with touchscreen operation and a monitor for images.
CompanyDGH Technology, Inc.DGH Technology, Inc.
ItemDGH Scanmate FlexDGH Scanmate Flex UBM
DescriptionThe DGH Scanmate Flex, a portable, ophthalmic ultrasoud platform, is the perfect product to enhance your practice's diagnostic capabilities. The Flex provides any desired combination of A-Scan, B-Scan, and UBM. Its hallmark is flexibility.


The DGH Technology, Inc. Scanmate Flex, a portable, ophthamic ultasound platform, is the perfect product to enhance your practice's diagnostic capabilities. The Flex provides any desired combiation of A-Scan, B-Scan, and UBM. Its hallmark is
  • Portable, affordable full function multi probe unit, with A-Scan, B-Scan and UBM capabilities.
  • High resolution images with 256 lines per scan.
  • Zoom control enhances diagnostic capability. Images can be enlarged while maintaining high, undistorted resolution.
  • Exclusive DGH toolbar is very intuitive and user-friendly. It has separate icons for initiating new exams, capturing screen snapshots, creating reports, or reviewing exams.
  • Post processing of images for optimal diagnostic capability: TGC controls; near, mid, and far ranges, and contrast and image intensity controls.
  • Unique report generation template simplifies the documentation of exams. Documents can be printed, exported in .PDF or transferred via paperless office or email.
  • Electronic measurement capability with calipers for size, area and angles. Measurements are repeatable to greater than 99% accuracy for purposes of chronological comparison.
  • Predefined, custom scan settings based on the image being obtained can be saved for later recall.
  • Adjustable probe pulse power improves ultrasonic penetration capability.
  • Full motion video loops for seamlessly viewing real-time and captured screen scans.
  • Patient based file storage is virtually unlimited, limited only by your hardware.
  • Quick and simple to use software is intuitive and user-friendly. Using the four page quick start guide, you can begin taking B-scans in minutes without struggling with a cumbersome operating manual.
  • Free software updates protect your investment; no need to worry about paying for the latest software.
  • Portable, affordable full function multi probe unit, with A-Scan, B-Scan and UBM capabilities.
  • High resolution images with 256 lines per scan.
  • Zoom control enhances diagnostic capability. Images can be enlarged while maintaining high, undistorted resolution.
  • Exclusive DGH toolbar is very intuitive and user-friendly. It has separate icons for initiating new exams, capturing screen snapshots, creating reports, or reviewing exams.
  • Post processing of images for optimal diagnostic capability: TGC controls; near, mid, and far ranges, and contrast and image intensity controls.
  • Unique report generation template simplifies the documentation of exams. Documents can be printed, exported in .PDF or transferred via paperless office or email.
  • Electronic measurement capability with calipers for size, area and angles. Measurements are repeatable to greater than 99% accuracy for purposes of chronological comparison.
  • Predefined, custom scan settings based on the image being obtained can be saved for later recall.
  • Adjustable probe pulse power improves ultrasonic penetration capability.
  • Full motion video loops for seamlessly viewing real-time and captured screen scans.
  • Patient based file storage is virtually unlimited, limited only by your hardware.
  • Quick and simple to use software is intuitive and user-friendly. Using the four page quick start guide, you can begin taking B-scans in minutes without struggling with a cumbersome operating manual.
  • Free software updates protect your investment; no need to worry about paying for the latest software.
ApprovalUS FDA & CE MarkUS FDA & CE Mark
Product NumberDGHFlex ABUBMDGH Flex UBM
Image/Video StorageJPG or PDFJPG or PDF
Frame Rate AcquisitionVariableVariable
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