Goldmann Visual Field Kinetic Perimetry Test

A patient's visual acuity can be impaired by ailments such as choroidal neovascular lesions. Perimetry is used to measure a patient's sensitivity to differential light within their visual field, by displaying objects to the patient and measuring their response to them. Test objects – often just small spost of light – are projected onto a hemispherical surface. Kinetic perimeters display moving (hence kinetic) objects of a fix size across the visual field, which the patient must react to. A kinetic perimetry system can have a measurement range of up to 80 degrees across the hemisphere. They employ eye fixation monitors, which can be computer controlled via USB. Kinetic perimeters employ the various Goldman standards available (I-V) for use with the Goldman Visual Field. Presets for glaucoma or testing specific regions of the visual field are also offered.
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Octopus 900 Perimeter

Octopus 900 Perimeter

Haag-Streit USA, Inc.

  • Stimulus: Mirror projection system
  • Fixation Control: Blink Control, Pupil Position Control, AET (Automated Eye Tracking)
  • Test Strategies: TOP (Tendency Oriented Perimetry, 2–4 min)
    Dynamic (adaptive step size, 6–8 min)
    Normal (4-2-1 bracketing, 10–12 min)
    Other (LV: Low Vision with Goldmann size V; 2-LT: 2-Level Test, 1-LT: 1-Level Test; GST: Glaucoma Screening Test)
  • Analysis Software: EyeSuite™ Software Analysis with networkable system and EMR Integration.
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